Flipped Classroom

Many of us have heard the term, but few of us have ventured into this "new" education paradigm.

It is worth considering.

What is it? Put simply, transferring the direct instruction to homework and making class time available for homework.

That sounds confusing, so once again check out the video that will do a better job in 3 minutes that I could writing 3 thousand words!

I have tried this and it works... actually it was brilliant. I made my students accountable for watching the videos for homework by asking them to post questions/insights to our class blog. They also responded to each others questions there. Class time was more...
questions from students (that they answered)
than my class has ever been.

Was it more work? Yes. Was it worth it? ABSOLUTELY!

When I started this year with the concept my classes looked at me like I was a green martian just arrived on Earth and after a while collapsed with protests which boiled down to
"we have been learning one way for 12 years at school and this is just too different for me to handle and I really just want you to teach me like a normal teacher pretty please so I can pass my test!"

As Marty McFly said "one day your kids are gonna love it". Start early is my suggestion.

A great guide here on Edudemic (thanks to Ingrid G for this link)

Here is another great post on this. There is SO much info out there, go get some and see if this is something you could implement (at least some of the time) in your class.

You will be glad you did.