Online whiteboards

The idea explored here involves creating an online space where you can collaborate with other people in real time. Both of the options below have good pen tools with multiple colours, shapes, lines, you can add text, pictures, PDFs from Google Drive, or chat with other participants. A couple of options:

Stoodle is a web-based service that has good pen options, uploading files, plus it is really quick to render the changes on other iPads (which is important!). Check out the video below:

Another option is Baiboard which works iPad to iPad using a free app you can download here. Baiboard also has a set of inbuilt icons you can add to your page. It is also available as an app for Mac so you can participate (with a few limitations) from a laptop or desktop. See the demo below:

So that is all good but HOW could you use this? Obviously you can collaborate on an idea as a group using the same workspace, either in the same room or anywhere in the world. I have used this by sharing my board with a class so all of my students are now working on and can see the same space. I can then add prompts or questions that I can invite students to respond to as a group, or get individuals to respond. This has worked great doing maths problems and asking a student to complete the next line of the problem.