Seqta Themes and Polls

The latest release of Seqta builds on the tools in Creator with more themes and the ability to add polls to your cover page or any lesson.

Themes allow you to make a cover page look gorgeous easily. You can create your own theme that is visible to everyone at school so can be applied by anyone. You could create a department or year theme, for example.

There are a number of built-in themes available or you can customise your own. For background images I recommend using Unslpash (free high-res images with no attribution required) and searching for "Abstract".

By changing the fonts, colours, background image you can go from this:

to this:

Themes make a cover page stand out!

Another addition is the ability to create multiple choice polls and add these on the cover page or any lesson. Students/parents can vote and see the results immediately.

Here are the details: