Microsoft Teams - Creating Assignments

Microsoft Teams is not only the best vehicle for collaboration and communication in a classroom setting, but the assignment feature is hands-down the best workflow I have seen for assigning, collecting and marking student work.

Using assignments in Teams you can:
  • Schedule tasks for students so they are released at a certain time
  • Attach resources such as
    • Office documents (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) that are distributed to each student 
    • A page from the Class Notebook to distribute that again is only editable by each student individually
    • A PDF file
    • An image file as a prompt
  • Choose only certain students in the class making it easy to personalise the assessment
  • Allow late submissions. After the due date the resources become read only and students can't submit
  • Create a rubric for the assessment that allows you to customise weightings of each criteria and assign marks 
  • Create a category that is searchable later

The workflow for marking is also fantastic - coming in Part II…