Goodreader - marking student work

With students doing their work on their iPads, it naturally raises the question about workflows in collecting and marking this work. Email has been the standard option but this often means having to print so that we can annotate and make comments before returning it.

There is a better way...

We can collect work (via email, Dropbox, GoogleDrive etc) on our iPad and open documents in either Goodreader or Notability for marking. The work can then be returned electronically to the student.

  1. No paper! Some people may not agree, but this way is just so much better.
  2. Ability to type comments that would not normally fit in the margin.
  3. Have you ever lost an assignment? No chance this way. 
  4. This is the medium students work in.
  5. In Notability you have the option of adding voice comments on the students work.
  6. Students can submit work anytime.
  7. You can mark the work anytime on your iPad.
  8. Students can get work back straight after it is marked (not wait for a few days)
  9. e-Portfolios - students can collect their work rather than relying on a physical folder.
Check out the video below for a quick tutorial on doing this in Goodreader.