I am always looking for tools that enhance the teaching and learning process. Thinking of the SAMR model, things that not only
tasks for the better.
Video Note.es is such a tool.
With it you can get students to watch videos and make comments collaboratively. You could ask them to answer certain questions while they watch the video and they will also get everyone else's responses. Each response is time-stamped so students can go directly to the place in the video when the comment was made.
This is a great idea for implementing a flipped classroom. The videos can come from YouTube, Coursera, TED, Vimeo - just about anywhere.
One of the best features is if you have a Google account, you can link your videos to your account so they are neatly stored in a folder in GoogleDrive for you to review.
See below or click here for a video introduction.
tasks for the better.
Video Note.es is such a tool.
With it you can get students to watch videos and make comments collaboratively. You could ask them to answer certain questions while they watch the video and they will also get everyone else's responses. Each response is time-stamped so students can go directly to the place in the video when the comment was made.
This is a great idea for implementing a flipped classroom. The videos can come from YouTube, Coursera, TED, Vimeo - just about anywhere.
One of the best features is if you have a Google account, you can link your videos to your account so they are neatly stored in a folder in GoogleDrive for you to review.
See below or click here for a video introduction.
NOTE: At present it looks like it is NOT working on the iPad which is a pain - I will update this if I find that I can get it working.