"Give a man a fish - you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish - you feed him for a lifetime."
A classic idea and one that certainly has synergy with technology integration in school. If we as a staff rely on others metaphorically giving us fish, the effectiveness of technology in the school will be weak.
The way we can EACH learn to fish for ourselves is by developing our own PLN (Personal learning Network) which I wrote about here. It is crucial, I believe, to model to students that learning never stops and that we as teachers are still learning and developing professionally and socially.
Technology is a field that is growing at such a rapid rate we sometimes feel it is impossible to keep up with all the ideas. That does not excuse us from trying to learn SOME!
One great way is to subscribe to blogs that can inform you about what is out there. Free Technology for Teachers is one example. I would dare anyone to look through all the posts there from the last week and NOT find something that is applicable to their classroom.
Have a look and subscribe by clicking on the envelope at the top right
You will then get a daily email with tons of great ideas.
You never know, something you learn may change the way you do things for the better! PLUS it would be great to share with others...