Showbie App

I know it may be early in the year, BUT for me this is the app of the year... so far.

One of the most important findings in the seminal work of John Hattie on teaching and learning was that one of the top "effects" on student outcomes was... (drum roll please)... feedback. So if we are going to put pedagogy first in out approach to ICT then any tool that enables us to give feedback in a more timely and effective way is something we should check out.

Showbie allows us to set, collect, mark and return work from students iPads (it also works with PCs and Macs). There are a few great things about it:

  • All of this can be done within the app
  • Students can hand in work to you from virtually ANY app they have (Pages, Keynote, Explain Everything, iMovie) that has an "open-in" functionality (most apps do).
  • It works
  • the process happens (almost) instantly. 
  • You can mark students work, add a voice note, or a text note.
  • Students can just take a photo of their work also and submit that.
Check out these brief intro videos. If you are on an iPad or phone click here for the video.

Here is an overview of the latest features.

Here is a guide on rolling over Showbie for a new school year