Some of the best presentations I have ever seen. A perfect marriage of great slide design, deep and engaging ideas that speak to the heart of teaching and great presenters who are masters of their domain.
Lee Watanabe Crockett
Will Richardson
Lee Watanabe Crockett
- Website
- The most WOW slide deck I have ever seen. Steve Jobs keynote quality - and that is saying something!
- TTWWADI in schools - dangerous!
- Moore's Law we live in exponential times
- We are now in the molecular realm for microprocessors
- 3D holographic displays, self charging batteries, eye implants with HUD
- How must education respond?
- Digital v analogue creation
- Many teachers suffer from INFO-WHELM. Lee has his team only check their email twice per day
- Default future - what happens if we do nothing.
- MotoGP metaphor
- Examples of being UNaware, UNwilling, UNable to adapt - Kodak, Blockbuster, Borders
- Change is difficult!
- To lead change - go to leaders with answers, not just problems.
6 steps to change
- Define - what do our users want to do? What is currently happening in our school?
- Discover - why are we doing it this way?
- Dream - wouldn't it be cool if... How will this function, what will it look like.
- Design (begin in the future and work backwards) planning from the future. How will we create and implement this? How are we going to get there?
- Deliver
- Debrief - how will we know if this was successful?
- Define a challenge you are having right now
- Most of the responses are complaints - could be complaint, problem or challenge
- Reframe the complaint in the language of possibility, this allows us to not only define the problem but create the dream. State as a completed outcome
- eg Create a teaching and learning culture that embraces technology where students are successful in gaining fluency in 21st century skills and are prepared for success in external assessments.
- eg Improve learning outcomes for all students using technology efficiently as a tool for pedagogical excellence to engage students to become life-long learners and good citizens.
- Ki session!
- Lee's company policies are two words "Be Mindful". No set times for employees, they can have holidays whenever they want. How does that translate to a class?
- We spoke about compassion and how that can be activated in everyone
- Before we buy any gear or embark on any program ask WHY. What are the learning outcomes that this tech will deliver or enhance? The iPad program needs to be a learning program not a tech program.
Will Richardson
- Will's message, again, was beautifully backed up by slides that enhanced his message.
- Some great questions asked that go to the heart of what we are doing, Will challenged all the norms of schooling with reference to his own kids who are into basketball and Kale. When students are passionate and want to learn something, they will.
- Now that the sum of human knowledge is available in our pockets, that changes things! If kids want to learn something, they can and not just from their 5 teachers but from the 5 000 000 000 people online.
- Which side do we want? Problem with the right side is that it is hard to assess.
- We went through an exercise where Will asked what conditions are needed for deep learning to take place. Answers included student choice, freedom to experiment, time to engage on a deeper level, the freedom to choose things they were interested in (Genius hour?), ability to collaborate with others... there were many more! We contrasted our ideas with what most of our schools look like. The comparison was stark.
- This is the world we live in today
- Where are we on this scale?
- PD should be less about teaching, more about learning.
- We need to be learners first, teachers second. If students see us as learners, the relationship changes.
- LearningField - textbooks from multiple publishers $175/student
- Verso - trial integration with Seqta?
- Books to get
- Flipped learning
- And what do you mean by learning
- - staff PD and appraisal software plus camp, activity and excursions
- Elmo document cameras
- programmable robot
- Turnitin
- website/intranet/portal management
- online study help
- Binumi video creation software
- ScopeIT - teaching coding and digital citizenship in schools
- connecting parents at school.