Goal setting in Seqta

“If you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time.” – Zig Ziglar

The Power of Goal Setting

Setting and reviewing goals can be a powerful force in guiding our actions. A study done at Harvard Business School wanted to look at the importance of setting goals. They found 84% of graduates had no specific goals at all, 13% had goals but were not written down, and only 3% had clear written goals and a strategy to accomplish them.

The results were shocking – the 3% who had written goals and a strategy were earning on average 10x as much as the other 97% combined! This is not to say that earning money is the determining factor in fulfilment and happiness in life!

Setting iSMART goals personally has made a huge difference on my productivity and having someone to follow up on those goals has increased my motivation and ability to achieve the goals I set immeasurably.

Students are no different. Surely a tutor is the ideal person to help a student set appropriate goals and follow up on progress throughout the year. With some guidance on goal-setting, these goals are a great way to stay focused and be accountable to the things students decide are important.

Without any guidance, students tend to set goals that are too general, unable to be measured and don't have any specific time-frame (e.g. "Get a good mark in Maths").

The obvious place to record and track these goals is in the goal section in Seqta. Here is a quick overview: