Clickview Windows 10 App

The Clickview Curriculum Library for Secondary Schools comes with thousands of educational titles to support the Australian Curriculum.

The Curriculum Library includes 2,000+ curriculum-relevant titles and features exclusive ClickView Original Series for English, Mathematics, History and more.

This library has been mapped to the Australian Curriculum and includes additional resources to help support lesson plans.

The Windows 10 app for Clickview is a great way to interact with the program and includes the ability to download videos for offline viewing, which are housed in the "Local Storage" section.

TV Shows

Seen or heard of a TV show you would like to show in class? ClickView 24-7 has a list of everything shown on TV for the past week. There is also a massive library of over 1700 feature movies available!


Albert allows you to search by subject, year, topic and outcome for just the right video.


You can also organise your videos in playlists and share these with students.

More than a few!

The amount of content is staggering and the Windows 10 app gives you a great experience searching for and playing videos.

Here are the details: