Microsoft Teams - Chat

One of the great aspects of Microsoft Teams is the integration of disparate software into one cohesive tool.

Sending email to people in your organisation is a fundamental way we communicate every day. A lot. In fact some of us feel like we are drowning in emails and spend much of our day trying to keep up with the flood of messages into our inbox.

My belief is a switch to instant messaging makes a fundamental difference to that communication part. Instant messages are the way students communicate today - email is from a bygone era for my students! They use Snapchat, What's App, Viber, Instagram, Facebook messenger and text messages to communicate (probably in that order of preference). Using these platforms communication seems freer, simpler and less bogged-down like I get with 100 emails a day.

For schools and organisations using Office365, Teams is the obvious choice for a platform for instant messaging. Chat is built right into Teams and allows you to quickly search for and message anyone or any Office365 group you are part of. Chat is persistent - my main annoyance with Skype messaging was that finding old conversations was a hassle - no problem with Teams.

The chat window affords you the same options that a traditional email does - formatting, copy/paste, attaching files, adding emoji, stickers PLUS you can even add HTML code snippets.

Like a Team conversation area, a chat also has a files area so you can quickly see files shared between a particular person, an organisation chart, plus any activity with that person in different Teams.

Check it out: